Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Funny Stories - Kids Say and Do the Darndest Things

Story #1

Ok, so first, Lily and Chloe are completely different eaters. Chloe on one hand is more like a woodchipper in that she just uses her hands as fast as possible to shovel food into her mouth and it gets everywhere ... she often even gets her hands caught in the woodchipper and has a short cry (bites her hand). Lily on the other hand is more like what I would imagine an old English lady is like at a dinner table. She is very neat (most of the time), and always wants to use her utensils. She eats sparingly and after between zero and a million bites she might at any time say she is done. Often she is a light eater at meals, though every once in awhile (tonight's dinner being an example), she just inhales food nonstop no matter how much you put in front of her ... it is crazy

Now, with that background, the other day we were eating something a little messy ... knowing Lily at the moment it was probably tomatoes (her FAVORITE right now - as for Chloe too). Anyways, I forgot that she rubs her hands all over her pants and I had taken off her shirt, but left her pants on. So, when I noticed this in the middle of the meal I slid Lily back, unbuckled her from her chair and took off her pants. I rebuckled her and then got distracted by Chloe behind me - think I was done with Lily. I had actually left Lily buckled into her chair, but pushed back from the table. Usually Lily wouldn't care and she doesn't care much for eating ... but this time, with her tomatoes on the line ... I hear in a loud, almost panicked voice, "I WANT EEEAAAATTT!" Haha, we all started busting up laughing and slid Lily forward to inhale her tomatoes.

Story #2

Lily is learning to be polite. She is getting great at her please, thank you, and covering her mouth when she sneezes or coughs. She has also taught herself to say bless you when someone sneezes. Often at dinner when you ask if she wants something, she will respond with "No thank you" which sounds like "no tink too" and then we calmly say something like "ok, and thank you for being so polite."

So the other day, we offered her something at the table and she starts saying "no, thank you. Polite" then it was "Please this. Polite" It was adorable.

Story #3

Lily loves helping out with Chloe. When our backs are turned and Chloe starts to do something she isn't supposed to, lily climb up the stairs or put something in her mouth, Lily runs over saying "no Chloe no Chloe no eat" and grabs whatever is in her mouth. Well, she also LOVES helping change diapers. She says, "Chloe diaper change. I help. I help." She gets out the changing pad and lays it out. She will get the wipes and she knows which diapers are Chloe's. She brings everything over and kneels down. Then she struggles to unbutton or unzip Chloe's outfit (she usually needs help). Then she takes off Chloe's diaper, and stands up and backs away and says "POOPY, Yucky, Chloe poopy" This time though, she sat there as I cleaned Chloe's dirty bum off, and while I was reaching behind me to put a dirty wipe in the dirty diaper out of reach ... Lily grabs a new wipe, wipes it on Chloe's semi-clean but and then on her face and just keeps saying "Poop face" "Chloe poop face" for the next ten minutes. It was hilarious. .. and don't worry, we don't Chloe all cleaned up and have kept a closer eye on Lily's help since, haha

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