Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy New Years (December 30, 2014 - January 1, 2015)

After a big Christmas, we took it very easy for New Year's. Honestly, we kind of just ignored it and had a great time hanging out around the house. Here is Lily taking some pictures with her new camera. It actually takes pictures and videos - how cool is that!

... I'll post some of Lily's expert shots =)

... and then there is old happy Olaf-Chloe dancing away.

Here they are dancing up a storm in the hallway!!!

Look at these caring sisters. I looked away for one second and found them sitting on the stairs doing each other's chapstick.

First, Lily looks cute and asks please (she actually can do this in sign language)

Then Lily was more than happy to help.

 At first, Chloe didn't quite understand. She thought it was food.

Those are her teethmarks

Eventually she got it. Lily is a very patient helper.

Then it was time to get dressed and do our hair to go out. Lily wanted her braids, which is a recent favorite. Lookin' good.

After a little trip out, it was time to disrobe and feed from the trough. Chloe likes to get a little messy when she eats, but she never loses that smile or her happy glow.

Lily meanwhile manages to get most of her food in her mouth =) Chloe is just starting to use a spoon and a fork now though. She is SO HAPPY when she gets food on her fork or spoon, she just beams and starts cracking up with excitement. Then she devours it. If she is struggling too much, she either uses her other hand to put food on it or just holds the food on the fork with her hand and starts laughing. What cute kiddos!

Then playtime around the house, and back to the dinner table ... again, after disrobing. It just makes clean up a lot easier.

 Then some sisterly bath time, which the girls can't get enough of ... until you start hearing bubbles, then it's a crying rush to get out ASAP, haha, that doesn't happen all the time, but it is sadly a little too common - "what dat? WHAT DAT?!?!" says Lily in increasing hysterics, "I want up! I WANT OUT!"

... but then these girls clean up pretty well. Chloe can even brush her own teeth now ... sort of. She asks to have her teeth brushed about 20 times a day, though I am convinced that is just a combination of her loving that you understand her communication and that the toothpaste tastes like candy =)

Lily meanwhile loves putting on her matching baby Ella outfit and taking care of her doll while daddy puts Chloe to bed first. Then it's back downstairs to grab girl #2 for stories, songs and bedtime.

Lily Joy Martin's 2nd Birthday Party at Rocking Horse Ranch (December 27, 2014)

After a morning walk on the beach, there's nothing like heading to the farm to see some animals. It was Lily Joy Martin's 2nd birthday and it was at the perfect location - a preschool/farm. Yeah, that's right. The place was built for two and three year olds AAAAAND it had goats, chickens, geese, a horse and a llama, most of which were accustomed with kids and didn't mind being fed and pet by a gang of toddlers.

Here are pictures of Camille and Lily seeing all the animals. I am not kidding, this is the actual sequence of photos, each about a second apart. You can see their reaction, their awe, then their joy.

While most of the other kids went for feeding the goats or the chickens by hand and then petting them, Lily found it way more fun to talk to the agitated geese. These two geese ran around, understandably upset, honking at everyone in their enclosure. Lily thought this was just the cat's pajamas and stood there honking back, haha.

Then Camille convinced Lily that more fun could be had with the chickens.

 Then some hand washing, some singing happy birthday (Lily and Camille were in the front row!), and then CUPCAKES!!!!

Then some goodbyes. What awesome parents. Thanks for the RAD party!