Friday, January 2, 2015

Lily Joy Martin's 2nd Birthday Party at Rocking Horse Ranch (December 27, 2014)

After a morning walk on the beach, there's nothing like heading to the farm to see some animals. It was Lily Joy Martin's 2nd birthday and it was at the perfect location - a preschool/farm. Yeah, that's right. The place was built for two and three year olds AAAAAND it had goats, chickens, geese, a horse and a llama, most of which were accustomed with kids and didn't mind being fed and pet by a gang of toddlers.

Here are pictures of Camille and Lily seeing all the animals. I am not kidding, this is the actual sequence of photos, each about a second apart. You can see their reaction, their awe, then their joy.

While most of the other kids went for feeding the goats or the chickens by hand and then petting them, Lily found it way more fun to talk to the agitated geese. These two geese ran around, understandably upset, honking at everyone in their enclosure. Lily thought this was just the cat's pajamas and stood there honking back, haha.

Then Camille convinced Lily that more fun could be had with the chickens.

 Then some hand washing, some singing happy birthday (Lily and Camille were in the front row!), and then CUPCAKES!!!!

Then some goodbyes. What awesome parents. Thanks for the RAD party!

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