Friday, January 2, 2015

Getting Ready for Christmas with the LaFollettes (December 21 - 24, 2014)

Oh these girls. They are loving the Christmas preparation. Here they are in bibs, baking some Christmas cookies.

Aww, sisters

 Here is Lily in her crib - wonder why she can't sleep? Maybe because she can't find her mattress

Then the girls got a new present - undershirts! They LOVE 'em. Lily wears one every day now

Aww, Chloe cuddling with her little brother/sister before bed

Then waking up the next morning, here are the girls talking about the coming Christmas

Chloe just hanging out in her PJs for a mid-morning snack

Here is Chloe's grumpy face, or at least her imitation of it, haha

Lily and Happa went to work out front to put the finishing touches on the house before all the family arrived. Lily loves a good project, and she was a great helper.

 Then it was finally party time! The girls dressed up. Lauren convinced Lily to put on her nice dress, but Lily would only do it if she could put on her "Elsa Dress" over the nice one. We don't know how her rainbow dress became the "Elsa dress" but she wears that dress, over a blue fish shirt every day. Kids.

The family came in full force and every one had a blast

Finally, it was time to open the girls one Christmas Eve present each. They had a ton of fun opening it, who even needs the toy after so much fun?!

Here they are opening their presents on Christmas Even

Then playing with them!!!

 Then after dinner and a bath, there was one last present for Lily to open before going to bed - a new book to read!

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