Saturday, December 20, 2014

Christmas Time! (December 6 - 16, 2014)

Our favorite time of year is finally here - Christmas time! Lily and Chloe LOVE it as well. The music, the smells, the sites, christmas lights, stockings, christmas trees, special cookies, special books and movies, lots of family time ...

Here are a few photos from around the house. Both Chloe and Lily love sitting in the little rocking chair in front of the Christmas tree and reading books or just watching the Christmas lights.

"Mmmm, nice book"


Mama looking amazing - a two-year-old, one-year-old, and coming on thirty weeks pregnant? Psh, that's nothing for Lauren =)

Here are some SUPER adorable pictures of Chloe in front of the tree, loving life as always

... and Lily taking care of her baby dolls. She has quite a few now and she takes very good care of them. It's good practice for the new baby coming along.

Then it is time for arts and crafts. Here is Lily's first reindeer. She had a blast and they turned out great ... what a mom.

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