Friday, December 19, 2014

Kids are Messy (November 23 - December 6, 2014)

You may not be aware of this, but kids can be a little messy. Every mealtime is a long process of preparing meals, plates, spoons, bibs, high chairs and having kids eat ... luckily we don't need to coerce them as they are both good eater (thankfully!) ... but then begins the mess of chow-time, then the washing of hands and faces, clothes off, cleaning up trays and stuff you can't even recognize as food from the high chair and weird places on the floor and table that you think, "how in the world did this food get here? And what kind of food is this anyway?!"

... and then there are the boogers. The seemingly non-stop streams of boogers that alternate between kids and time of day and reasons (teething? sick? crying? tired?).

And it is all worth it, a hundred times over. These kiddos are adorable in their messiness. Here are a few cute shots of them in their normal daily glory.

Here is Lily eating cupcakes at Camille's 3rd birthday party

Here are Chloe and Lily on Thanksgiving. Chloe LOVED the food ...

... as did Lily, especially the pie.

It was all fun and games until the pie ran out (aka was put out of sight =)

Good old normal lunch time.

Haha, I don't even remember what was happening here. Some of the many faces of Lily.

... and the boogers =)

Here she is proudly demonstrating her newly learned skill - blowing her nose (useful with all the boogers she has)

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