Saturday, December 20, 2014

Lily! (November 24 - December 14, 2014)

Oh Lily. What a wonderful young girl she is growing into. She is speaking non-stop. Learning new words by the minute. She loves the outdoors, loving helping, loves cleaning (what?!), loves her sister, and loves all of her family (daddy, mommy, gigi, happa, nonnie,poppy,and many more).

Here are just a few pictures from the last three weeks.

Peek-a-boo with Chloe!!!!!!! Lily loves surprising Chloe

This is Lily going through all of the hats from the winter bin. Chloe LOVES hats, and so Lily plays hats with Chloe by putting different ones on both of them and then running around screaming and laughing with delight.

Here is Lily enjoying fudge brought by St. Nicolas!

Here is Lily at Dennis the Menace park, enjoying the big slide!

Then things got a little crazy, haha

Our homeless daughter again, roaming around the house

... but she sure does clean up nicely

... and our careful little girl is getting a little crazy. She is starting to be a little more brave. Here she is zip-lining at gymnastics.

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