Thursday, July 17, 2014

Marissa & Christian's Wedding (July 12, 2014)

Finally, and not to say that I don't love the kiddos, but FINALLY, Lauren and I got our first real time out away from the kiddos since Chloe was born ... and really even before that while Lauren was preggers and we were packing up to move or after we moved to Switzerland and Lauren was 32 weeks pregnant ... so this was a LONG time coming ... and it was great. It was Marissa and Christian's wedding up in Ben Lomond and Stones and Flowers and it was beautiful. The weather was perfect. The site was straight out of pinterest with its rustic beauty. We had such a good time we barely took any photos ... as is always the case when you are having fun

Here are Lauren and Jama lookin' hot

... and then some nice couples photos right before the big ceremony

... they count as a couple since they were sitting together sans spouses

oOo our stylish table settings at a great table - with two Ahren boys and girlfriends, and Ashley and Ryan. We had some great laughs.

Here is our one picture of Patrick and Julianne ...

... which sparked some fun selfies ... first a normal one ...

... then a serious one ...

... and then some "oh, such a cute little baby" ones ...

... and then a "Patrick" one ... haha

... and "Julianne!"

... haha, and Patrick again =) ... he and Julianne were having a blast sitting across from us and watching our selfies act out

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