Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Fourth of July! (July 4, 2014)

Happy fourth of July! Everyone but dad was decked out in their fourth of July outfits. Dad still photobombed some pictures though =)

Chloe, happy as always!

This was the best of many many shots that I could get of the two. I kept telling Lily to go sit with Chloe but she kept sitting right in front of her ... then saying CHEESE!

Then they made a mess of both of their outfits and needed some temporary clothing until mama could finish a quick load of laundry.

Then after naps and a quick outfit change, everyone was festive again

Lily's godmother "auntie Jennis" came over and playing with Lily (and Chloe!)

Everyone was looking good

Mom and dad got some quality time in Lily's new playhouse.

Even Chloe was sitting at the table having some tea

Then it was time for fireworks! Lily's first reaction was as expected from a sensitive little girl as soft and sweet as she is ...

... but then she warmed up to 'em and was a huge fan of the sparklers

So we put her in charge and set her free!

Woohoo Lily!

I love this shots of Lily and her mama

Meanwhile Elle and Chloe were watching intently

... and you can't keep Lily still for too long. It was off to the grass with Auntie Jennis to have some more fun

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