Thursday, July 17, 2014

Third Week Back in Santa Cruz (July 5 - 13, 2014)

We are finally starting to see some friends. Lauren got to go out on the Chardonnay 2 for her friend Genevieve's birthday and she had a blast.

We got to meet up with our friends Paul and Katie who just had their second child Eleanore who was less than two weeks old when we visited.

Jack and Lily got along great.

... and Leslie was super kind and bought us a brand new double stroller which has already gotten a ton of use.

The girls love holding hands on our walks.

Leslie also bought Lily her first movie, the only movie she has really ever even kind of seen (no patience for it - which we are totally ok with). She loves singing "LET IT GO!"

... in fact ... Lily loves it so much, that ... and this was hilarious. We just bought a video camera baby monitor. We put the girls to bed and all was quiet. I turned on the baby monitor about twenty minutes later just to check on them ... and this is what I saw:

... then five minutes later, we kept watching and she just started in with other songs and counting ... counting numbers (not quite in order yet) and singing her other favorite song "Apple Bottom Jeans" which she calls "apple jeans"

... and then just a few shots of adorable little Chloe crawling all over the house. She has learned how to crawl and pull herself up to standing in the last week. She is all over the house now.

We got to visit with Camille and Robby and the fam. Chloe loved Robby as you can see, haha. Camille and Lily got on great but wouldn't let me get a good shot of them. They were too busy playing.

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