Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Second Week Back in Santa Cruz (June 26 - July 2, 2014)

The girls have adjusted to the jetlag and are as happy as always.

Maybe this is why Chloe smiles all the time, haha. Lauren and I missed the delicious microbrews while in Switzerland ... though the wines there were cheap and delicious

 Here is Lily helping Gigi water the plants. That means Lily is going to get soaked.

... all wet

Wooo! Out with mama for some drinks

... and the reason there haven't been more videos is because most of them go like this ... Lily and/or Chloe start doing something cute. We take out the iPhone to take a video. Lily sees said iPhone. The cute things that were happening immediately cease and Lily runs over to graph the iPhone, haha.

Haha, what is Lily saying when this picture was taken?

What? Chloe is smiling up a storm as always. Big surprise =)

 ... and then it was off to our welcome home party. Chloe and Lily had tons of friends to play with and other than being a bit shy at first, had a blast.

... though, friends can never replace SISTERS!

... and here they are just hanging out together at the house

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