Thursday, July 17, 2014

Our First Family Visit to Mount Madonna School (July 10, 2014)

Here are some awesome family shots. We wanted to commemorate dad's new job at Mount Madonna School with a few shots of our young family. That way we can look back after however many years and say, "wow, look at us just when we started here ... wow"

Both girls passed out on the 30 minute drive up to campus, so while dad ran a few errands on campus (a TINY campus), Lauren hung out in the car. Chloe woke up first and so I was able to get a snapshot of these two cuties while Lily still slept in the back.

Eventually Lily woke up too and we got to take a few family shots. These are by far my favorite family shots we have taken. We are a good lookin' bunch!

Look at us! How much will our family change while dad works at Mount Madonna School? What an awesome journey we are starting. In just one year Lily will start at MMS and in just two years Chloe will start there too and they will get to go to preschool together (I think)!

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