Saturday, November 15, 2014

Around the House (October 28 - November 7, 2014)

Here is Chloe in the doctor's office - she looks to be having a pretty good time. She doesn't know about the three shots that are about to go into her two chubby little thighs =(

 Then it was time to relax and be happy with some "Baby Signing Time"

 ... and somehow a bunch of old clothes got dug up, so Lily thought she would put them all on at the same time. It was a blast. Lily entertained herself for a solid hour while we all giggled.

 ... and the next day it was over to Nonni and Poppy's. The girls and that little red and yellow car - they can't get enough of it!

Here is Lily at home playing with her little doggy guitar. She is becoming quite musical.

... and here she is singing and playing piano. She is playing a little piano app that plays a song while you tap out the rhythm. Lily recognized the song (a skill which I still cannot AT ALL do), and started singing all on her own. Here she is serenading her sister:

... and outside, Lily is beginning to actually use her scooter. It took a long time for the scooter to grow on Lily. She is not the kind of kiddo that likes taking risks, falling, or going fast. Every time I give her a bike ride, she spends half the time saying, "Daddy sloooOOOOOW"

 Then it was off to dinner with Megan and Kyle. This was our first dinner out with friends and kiddos since moving home. We've done lunches, playdates, etc ... but this was our first family dinner with a friend. It was a blast, but exhausting ... kiddos everywhere ... here they are dancing up a storm

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