Saturday, November 15, 2014

Around the House with Two Cute Girls (October 14-25, 2014)

Chloe has learned to put her foot up on her tray, which is of course her favorite thing to do ...

Meanwhile, Lily is doing all the work around the house. Here she is taking care of the yard. In her words, "I doing something"

 ... and of course, she LOVES to feed the dog. If we say it isn't time to feed the dog yet, she says, "I wait."

... and then, once Lucy starts to eat, Lily sits and watches, "Lucy is my goggy"

... and then every day is playtime in pajamas ... at least in the morning and before bed. We usually put some clothes on them at some point =) Though Lily often chooses not to wear clothes and instead just put on sunglasses and shoes.

Chloe and Lily jumping on the trampoline together ... haha

Naked sunglass time!

Then we made Lily put on clothes, because we were probably leaving the house. Lily's response, "I sad"

 ... and if you hadn't gotten that Chloe is a climber yet ... well, she is. She loves climbing up any chairs she finds, and if able to, she uses the chair to climb up onto the table, then sit back down regardless of where the edge of the table is. She is yet to fall, but many times you turn around and she is sitting on a table somewhere or standing precariously on the arm of a chair about to topple over. Here is Lily joining her sister on the table top.

... another day, same story =)

... no matter how much time i spend with these girls, I never get over how ridiculously cute they are. They just melt me hear every day. I get to just lie down next to them while they crawl all over me and play with blocks and dolls and we read books together. They are so playful and happy. Ok ok, enough. Moral of the story - I think I like these two =)

 Pensive Lily

... and of course, the girls can never get enough of the slide!

... and finally, a little check-in with the mama. Here is Lauren with T-minus five months ... here we go again =)

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