Sunday, November 9, 2014

Two Adorable Sisters (August 29 - September 5, 2014)

At the end of summer, it's harvest time. This means "MATOES!!!!!" aka tomatoes. These girls go nuts for them.

Doesn't matter which grandparents' house we're at, tomato picking is the favorite past time.

 ... but then again, so is harvesting some basil for home-made pesto

... just adorable!

The consummate helper - here she is helping mama bake some cookies

Mama and Chloe just playing around. Chloe loves her peek-a-boo and her books. All you have to do is pull out a book or cover your head and the smiles and laughing start.

Tell me this one doesn't look like a little baby Brianna in this shot?!

... maybe a baby Robbie in these shots ...

... and in case you didn't know, Chloe LOVES to dance. She find a way no matter where she is. Even strapped into a car seat in the car, she will wave her one free arm to dance to the beat. She has it easy at home, where she can slam her hands down onto the piano and it starts a nice little beat. Then she dances up a storm until the song runs out.

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