Saturday, November 15, 2014

Chloe's First Birthday (October 11-12, 2014)

Happy First Birthday Chloe!

... and what a party it was!

Chloe discovered the joy of hanging on the monkey bars, and she has a freakishly strong grip, making it really hard to pull her off ... and she can hold on for minutes or longer. Meanwhile Lily can barely support her weight =)

It is great being back in Santa Cruz, with family and friends all around. At any event we are able to see all our favorite people.

 ... not to mention that the kiddos are so damned cute together. Look at cousins Robby and Chloe.

Chloe really enjoyed her cake ... Thank you Poppy

Then it was home to open presents, which Lily graciously assisted Chloe with. She was even nice enough to help Chloe play with her toys.

 After a nice night's sleep, we all woke up on Chloe's actual birthday and the celebration continued.

 Yeah, this is how Lily dresses daily. In case you were wondering, those are light-up shoes. Aunty Mary, Uncle Andy, and Lily's triplet cousins were kind enough to give Chloe AND Lily each new shoes for Chloe's birthday ... Lily got the better deal with neon colored light-up shoes ... that she now LOVES

 Then it was off to Nonnie and Poppy's for family dinner, where we wish Chloe some more happy birthdays.

Lookin' good, the big one-year-old herself

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