Sunday, November 9, 2014

Around the House - Scooters, Hugs, Sisters, Sunglasses and Stuffed Piggies (September 6-27, 2014)

We had to run to Los Gatos to pick up Lauren's laptop from the apple store ... so why not have a picnic in the town square? The girls loved it.

... and then since it was the end of summer, all of the like $10 sunglasses at the kid store were all about $1.50 ... so we stocked up. Lily had never been happier.

... so needless to say, we played with sunglasses for quite a few days.

 Hot mama! Pregnant, two babies, no sleep ... no problem

Father daughter selfies 

 ... and a normal day of yogurt-faced breakfast time

"mmmmm, sushi"

 ... and some sisterly love, as always. Screams of delight and wrestling ... the perfect pre- and post-bedtime routines

 Lily has culinary tastes like her father. She likes to mix weird things. This is lunch meat wrapped around Chow mein and she thought it was delicious.

 More best friend hugs

 Lily is very careful when "riding" her scooter. Slowly and surely is the way to go.

 Looking good in her helmet - safety first

 oOo, sushi picnic for lunch - our daughter has style.

 I love these photos of the girls ...

 Chubby baby!

... and to top it all off, here is a great vide of Lily singing "Let It Go!" in the car ... I especially love when Chloe cries a little and Lily looks and her and her eyes go kind of big like, "woah? you're here? why are you sad?"

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