Saturday, November 15, 2014

Chloe's First Steps (November 3-6, 2014)

Chloe has been able to walk for weeks or months now, but has had no interest. She can stand and even stumble, but chooses to sit down any time you stand her up. All of a sudden the other night, she just decided to start walking. Maybe it was seeing her cousins walking all over the place, but regardless of the reason she chose to make it happen and could walk almost instantly.

She still only walks by choice. One night she will stand up, fall down, stand up and take a step and fall down, stand up, fall down, stand up, over and over and over for hours ... and then next night she will just refuse to stand up and crawl everywhere. She's an interesting kiddo.

It was the same with crawling. She could actually crawl, but instead chose to sit in a spot and play with toys, then crawl one or two little shuffles and then sit on her rump again. We could never get her to crawl more than a few shuffles at a time.

Well, enough jabbering. Here are two videos of some of her first steps:

November 3, 2014

November 6, 2014

... and sometimes Lily gets a little jealous of all the attention gets for doing seemingly easy tasks, such as walking. So then Lily will copy Chloe and want as much attention, which is adorable. This time Lily took out her baby doll and helped her baby doll take her first steps.

Both of these are on November 9, 2014

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