Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Pumpkin Patch & Pumpkin Decorating (October 13-30, 2014)

It's that time of year, the holiday season. We're off to the pumpkin patch to get our pumpkins. Lily was super excited.

Then, a few nights before Halloween, since kiddos waving knives around is not always a great plan, Nonnie and Poppy hosted a halloween-shaped cookie decorating party for the kiddos. They LOVED it. Here's a video to show just how excited Lily was ...

... and meanwhile Chloe and Robby were having a blast practiving their walking and crawling together ...

... and then it was home to paint Lily's very own pumpkin, while mom carved up a few. Lauren did an awesome job carving up the pumpkins too!

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