Saturday, November 15, 2014

Happy Halloween! (October 31, 2014)

Here is Chloe getting ready for Halloween in her Halloween PJs that glow in the dark. This girl wakes up smiley in the morning

Daddy had his costume on to head to school. Lily wanted to go with dad to work, but alas she would have to wait for daddy to get home.

Then it was costume time! Lily was the great owl ... all seeing and all wise

Chloe Katarina ... aka Chloe Kat ... was a kitty cat. So cute.

She loves her dada (Clark Kent)

Then it wasn't long after dad got home from work that it was off to Susan & Bill's (Liz & Wayne's) for a nice Halloween party. Lauren brought some super cute snacks.

Family and friends were all there

... and the kiddos were in full force ...

 They were adorable together!!

Then it was time for Lily's first trick or treating. Every door she went to, she either silently just took candy or when remind said "frick or freating"

When I asked if Lily recognized the house she said "NONNI POPPIES!!!!!!"

 Then it was back home to unwind ...

... but the unwinding was more like kids on cocaine happy hour ... but nonetheless, they burned themselves out having a blast playing with each other

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