Sunday, November 9, 2014

Festivals! The Greek Festival and the Santa Cruz County Fair (September 6-13, 2014)

Who doesn't love a nice late-summer, early-autumn festival? We managed to make it to quite a few (art & wine, county fair, greek festival ... to name a few). Here we are enjoying some Greek food and great music in the sun

Aww sisters, it's time to leave the festival ... but don't worry, we can go to the fair next!

 Lauren managed to make it to the fair 2-3 times. First she went during the school week with the girls and her mom. They had a blast.

 Then we went back with Paul and Katie on a weekend and had even more fun ... trains, animals, Lily's first ride! and more. Look at Lauren looking good!

 Who's ready in the double stroller?

 Funnel cake!!

 ... and what I thought was maybe a silly buy turned out to be one of Lily's favorite toys. Lily now sleeps with "little piggy" and "big piggy" every night and needs them in just the right place when she lies down otherwise she gets a little upset =) All day long she knows exactly where big piggy and little piggy are and takes very good care of them (putting them in the stroller and taking them for walks, putting them to bed and singing to them to name a few activities of the day)

 Cabbage patch Chloe!

Here are Jack and Lily playing together. Jack started pretending to hit himself in the head and fall over. Lily thought that was hilarious and was trying to imitate it, but couldn't quite get the falling over part. Cute kiddos.

 Here is Lily's first ride by herself. She went on one ride with her dad, then one ride with Jack, and then once Jack was over it Lily continued to go on this one until we ran out of tickets. She loved it.

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