Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Last Weeks of Summer Vacation (August 10 - 24, 2014)

With work fast approaching and only a few weeks left of summer, we used all the time we had to see friends and family.   We had a nice breakfast over at mommom's and Kevin was looking adorable.

 ... we hung out with Stella, Megan and Kyle ...

 ... and of course we had quite a few tea parties at home by ourselves too

 ... and meals in general are a cute time, until the girls start rubbing food all over their faces and bodies and squeezing it into mush.

Haha, you think this face is a rare occurrence. The girls somehow manage to make eating comparable to mud wrestling in how much stuff gets all over them.

... but all the while they are happy and adorable, so you can't get too frustrated

 Then of course there are a few last minute pool parties to enjoy the Indian summer

... and we love them so much we pause for more than a few sisterly group hugs

 ... and then, if it's a special night, we might even watch a rare movie. I think Lily is pretty cozy for movie time.

 ... ok, it's official, she is enjoying movie time

"Hey ma! Look at my black eye!"

 ... and when it's all said and done, the girls just want to lie down and cuddle together

Both girls are LOVING their gymnastics so far. Junebugs has been great. The girls have their off days, but overall they are learning new things, meeting new kids, and having a blast.

 Then after we play, it's time to clean up. Lily is thinking, "geeze, how did it get so dirty? I just vacuumed yesterday!"

 Here we are getting in a last visit out to Lauren's grandma's before summer ends. What a peaceful play she has out there. You can hear the wind rustling through the leaves and just enjoy the piece and quiet (until Lily and Chloe get there)

 Then back home to put on PJs and enjoy sister time


Oh yeah, and in case you forgot or didn't know ... Lauren is taking care of both girls while raising/growing the third already =)

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